Ellie Mae

Ellie Mae
Beautiful Ellie Mae

Freddie, the French Bulldog

Freddie, the French Bulldog
Lazing on a sunny afternoon

The artist

The artist
Ollie Mac

Ollie and Annie

Ollie and Annie
Azorean grandmother

Acrylics and watercolors

Acrylics and watercolors
Cannabis and sunflowers

Papa and Ollie Mac

Papa and Ollie Mac
Priorities, Baby

Acrylics and watercolors

Acrylics and watercolors

Mahlon Masling Blue

Mahlon Masling Blue
My friend and brother.

Mark's E-mail address


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Never Enough

Never Enough

So yeah, people “with preexisting conditions,” like say, Stage-IV cancer patients, are simply out of luck when it comes to healthcare.

If you can keep it all impersonal, and just refer to these folks as having “preexisting” conditions, then it’s like, well, what the hell, if you have preexisting conditions, too bad for you-tough luck and all that. Sucks to be you.

All of this so that so that the one percent of the richest people in the country, can get a little bit richer. I have used every adjective that synonyms.com can furnish to describe my feelings for people who are so inhumane to others, that they continue to amass fat Swiss banks accounts, off the pain and misery of others. Exactly how much money in a Swiss bank account is enough, has never been established, because, well, it’s never been enough.

Who would want to live in a world that was so immune to others’ grief, that it allowed elders to freeze in their own homes, while not having enough to eat? And I’m not talking about Corn Flakes and powdered milk, either; I’m talking about organic fruit and vegetables, with chicken, fish and beef easily accessible in the freezer.

Why is it that these lawmakers, who are required by their very oaths of office, to look after the basic human rights of all US citizens, are allowed to blatantly ignore the fact that 43 million Americans are living at-or below-the poverty level?

Why are they allowed to serve the wealthiest, like the lackeys that they are, without being held accountable for their self-serving agendas? I know I have posed these questions before, rhetorically, because all attempts to communicate with lawmakers, has resulted in a form letter being sent to me, lauding all of the recent actions on the part of said lawmaker.

If I choose to not continue to write about these social injustices, then I have done exactly as expected-protested mildly, and then drifted back to sleep, while people die every day, in the most heinous fashions imaginable.

If you voted for trump, righteous in your indignation, just know that it hits some of us a lot harder than it hits others.

I have written about the upcoming Women’s Marches, in venues all over the country, and I have written about how to counter a public, toxic racial or homophobic attack on someone in your immediate vicinity. Finally, I have found myself in the midst of vitriolic exchanges with friends whose political ideologies are different from mine, and these exchanges can get ugly. 

I see there is an effort being made to boycott the inauguration on television, something that will be easy for me to do since I have yet to see one image of trump on tv or hear one word uttered from his mouth. I’d say it was a case of out-of-sight/out-of-mind, except he rarely leaves my mind.

Boorish, immature, narcissistic behavior holds no allure for me. Old-fashioned attributes, such as integrity, humanity and compassion have far greater appeal, and thus I will continue to rail on against the indefensibly atrocious behavior of our elected “greaders” (greedy leaders).

When it comes right down to it, those of us not in the one percent, regardless of which political party we adhere to, ought to recognize that there is a common enemy here, and it is not one another: Greed is the common enemy.

If we could do this and unite together to fight greed, we could really accomplish something. I mean, 99% against 1%?

Why are we the underdogs?


  1. Three things:
    1) There is no way in hell that I will watch any part of the inauguration.
    2) According to Oxfam in today's NYT, just EIGHT of the richest people on earth own as much combined weath as half of he human race (down from 62 last year).
    3) As far as pre-existing conditions go, the list is long and , I venture to say, would include many people over the age of fifty (by virtue of the fact that they have lived that long and have had some medical intervention). I know I am one of those people with at least two major pre-existing conditions. I am scared.

    1. I appreciate the comment. Eight people own the equivalent of half the wealth on earth. They'll get theirs. I love you!
