Ellie Mae

Ellie Mae
Beautiful Ellie Mae

Freddie, the French Bulldog

Freddie, the French Bulldog
Lazing on a sunny afternoon

The artist

The artist
Ollie Mac

Ollie and Annie

Ollie and Annie
Azorean grandmother

Acrylics and watercolors

Acrylics and watercolors
Cannabis and sunflowers

Papa and Ollie Mac

Papa and Ollie Mac
Priorities, Baby

Acrylics and watercolors

Acrylics and watercolors

Mahlon Masling Blue

Mahlon Masling Blue
My friend and brother.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I Am Seething With Rage

Epidemic of rattleless rattlesnakes loose...
in the US Senate and Congress

I Am Seething With Rage

Congressman Sam Johnson:

I am seething with rage.

You, Sir, are a liar and a cheat, as is every other member of Congress or the Senate, who has a signature involved in dismantling Social Security. You who dwell in the sewer of abject, vulgar greed, have the unmitigated gall, to rob from the elderly and those who have placed a portion of their life’s savings into this entity. 


You, Sir, are the slime on the inside of the septic tank of life. You are nothing better than a blood-infested tick, sucking the life out of the American people. You are the epitome of man’s inhumanity to man.

To quote my ninth grade algebra teacher, Father Marion, “When you cheat, it’s like eating another man’s vomit.”

Congressman (and I use the term loosely) Johnson, you must feast on the puke of life, every day of your pitiful, self-centered, gluttonous, insatiable miserable, blood-sucking life. You took an oath, you reprehensible slime-ball, vowing to uphold the Constitution. It went like this, in part:

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend The Constitution of the United States…”

I am seething with rage.
Fat-Faced blood-sucking tick

How do you justify stealing from the most vulnerable age bracket on the planet? How is that supporting the Constitution? Wait a second. Aren’t little, tiny, pink, squalling, helpless babies more vulnerable? Yes they are, but someone still gives a fuck about them.

Who cares about the old, except, maybe, the elderly?

I am seething with rage.

To begin, the Republican Party has vowed to raise the retirement age to sixty-nine. That way Corporate ‘Merican pharmaceutical companies can scratch a few extra years out the sick, before they die of starvation at 68.

The Republicans have vowed to reduce benefits. Huh, weird, I wonder why.

The Republicans have vowed to reduce the amount of income available to Social Security, by giving tax breaks to the wealthiest After all, it is so convenient to rob from, lie to, and cheat elderly American people, when all you have to do is have some homies who can sign these measures into law. These creeps are liars and they are cheats and they call themselves senators. 

I am seething with rage. 

Forbes pointed out in 2014 that “It is a logical impossibility for Social Security to go bankrupt. We can voluntarily choose to suspend or eliminate the program, but it could never fail because it ‘ran out of money.’” 

The Social Security Program has a multi-billion dollar surplus. The Republicans borrowed billions from the program and now do not wish to pay it back.

The Republican Party steals from the elderly.

How in the good name of Buddha, is this even possible? Oh, yes, now I remember. It is possible because there are plenty of pens available in the Republican Party office supply station.

The United States has a majority of its Senate and Congress, controlled by the Republican Party, thereby completing the deal.

I am seething with rage.


An Old Person Not Named Johnson